August 6, 2021



  • A brief introduction of segmentation analysis and ChromHMM
  • Apply the analysis to a test dataset and explore the output
  • Interpret the output of the segmentation using functions from segmenter


Hidden Markov Models (HMM)

  • A system (process) with unobservable or hidden states can be modeled with a dependent observable process.
  • The chromatin configurations are the hidden states modeled using histone markers that are associated with these configurations.

Figure 1. Probabilistic parameters of a hidden Markov model. X — states, Y — possible observations, a — state transition probabilities and b — output. (Wikipedia)


This package!

The goal of the segmenter package is to

  • Call ChromHMM using R syntax
  • Capture the output in R objects
  • Interact with the model output for the purposes of summarizing or visualizing

Getting Started


The package can be installed from Bioconductor using BiocManager or from GitHub using remotes

# install from bioconductor

# install from github

Example code

# run command
obj <- learn_model(
    inputdir = <input binarized files>,
    coordsdir = <genomic coordinates of features>,
    anchorsdir = <genomic location of TSS>,
    chromsizefile = <chromosome lengths>,
    numstates = <the number of desired states>,
    assembly = <the genome assembly>,
    cells = <names of the biological samples>,
    annotation = <name of the reference genome type>,
    binsize = <the size of bins>

Using segmenter


ChromHMM requires two types of input files. Those are

  • Genomic annotation files
    • Coordinates: the start and end location of genomic features to calculate enrichment
    • Anchors: the transcription start and end sites
    • Chromosome size: the length of each chromosome
  • Binarized signal files from the ChIP-seq data

Genomic annotation files

# coordinates
coordsdir <- 'hg38_coords'
#> [1] "CpGIsland.hg38.bed.gz"    "RefSeqExon.hg38.bed.gz"  
#> [3] "RefSeqGene.hg38.bed.gz"   "RefSeqTES.hg38.bed.gz"   
#> [5] "RefSeqTSS.hg38.bed.gz"    "RefSeqTSS2kb.hg38.bed.gz"

# anchors
anchorsdir <- 'hg38_anchors'
#> [1] "RefSeqTES.hg38.txt.gz" "RefSeqTSS.hg38.txt.gz"

# chromosomes' sizes
chromsizefile <- 'hg38_chromsizes.txt'
read.delim(chromsizefile, header = FALSE, nrows = 2)
#>     V1        V2
#> 1 chr1 248956422
#> 2 chr2 242193529

Binarized signal files from the ChIP-seq data

  • The binarized signal files are text files, often one for each chromosome
  • Data is divided into bins of a given size (rows) and have binary values 1 (> threshold) or 0 for each histone markers (columns)
  • From bam binarize_bam or bed binarize_bed

# a table to assign marker and cell names to the bam files
cell_marks <- 'cell_mark_file.tsv'
read.delim(cell_marks, header = FALSE, nrows = 3)
#>        V1       V2              V3
#> 1 GM12878 H3K27me3 ENCFF796DDM.bam
#> 2 GM12878 H3K27me3 ENCFF927XRX.bam
#> 3 GM12878 H3K27me3 ENCFF265UBT.bam
# run command
             chromsizefile = chromsizefile,
             cell_marks = cell_marks,
             outputdir = 'bins_200')
# show output files
example_binaries <- list.files('bins_200', full.names = TRUE)[1]
read.delim(example_binaries, nrows = 2, skip = 1)
#>   H2AFZ H3K27ac H3K27me3 H3K36me3 H3K4me1 H3K4me2 H3K4me3 H3K79me2 H3K9ac
#> 1     0       0        0        0       0       0       0        0      0
#> 2     0       0        0        0       0       0       0        0      0
#>   H3K9me3 H4K20me1
#> 1       0        0
#> 2       0        0

Model Learning

learn_model wraps the the Java module that learns a chromatin segmentation model of a given number of states.

# load library

# run the main command
obj <- learn_model(
    inputdir = 'bins_200',
    outputdir = 'models/model_10',
    anchorsdir = 'hg38_anchors/',
    coordsdir = 'hg38_coords/',
    chromsizefile = 'hg38_chromsizes.txt',
    numstates = 10,
    cells = c('GM12878', 'H1', 'HepG2', 'IMR-90', 'K562'),
    assembly = 'hg38',
    annotation = 'RefSeq',
    binsize = 200


# show the object
#> [1] "segmentation"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "segmenter"
  • model: the initial and final parameters
  • emission: the probabilities of the mark in a given state
  • transition: the probabilities of the states transitions
  • overlap: the enrichment of the states at genomic features
  • TSS: the enrichment of the states around the TSS
  • TES: the enrichment of the states around the TES
  • segment: the assignment of states to the bin


An accessor function with the same of every slot access its contents. For example, to access the emission probabilities, call emission

# access object slots

Some accessors have more arguments to subset the object. For example, the segment method take a cell name to return only the segments in the corresponding cell.

# subset the segment slot
segment(obj, cell = 'K562')


# show the object
#> # An object of class 'segmentation' 
#> # Contains a chromatin segmentation model:
#> ## States: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#> ## Marks: H3K36me3 H4K20me1 H3K79me2 H3K4me1 H3K27ac H3K9ac H3K4me2 H3K4me3 H2AFZ H3K27me3 H3K9me3
#> ## Cells: GM12878 H1 HepG2 IMR-90 K562
#> # Contains nine slots: 
#> ## model: use 'model(object)' to access
#> ## emission: use 'emission(object)' to access
#> ## transition: use 'transition(object)' to access
#> ## overlap: use 'overlap(object)' to access
#> ## TSS: use 'TSS(object)' to access
#> ## TES: use 'TES(object)' to access
#> ## segment: use 'segment(object)' to access
#> ## bins: use 'bins(object)' to access
#> ## counts: use 'counts(object)' to access
#> # For more info about how to use the object, use ?accessors

Interpreting model parameters

Emission and transition

  • Emission is the frequency of a particular histone mark in a given chromatin state.
  • Transition is the frequency by which a state (rows) transitions to another (column).
  • These probabilities capture the spatial relationships between the markers (emission) and the states (transition).
# access object slots

  • The plot_heatmap takes a segmentation object and visualize the slot in type. By default, this is emission.
  • The output is a Heatmap object from the ComplexHeatmap package. These objects are customized to produce diverse informative figures.
# emission and transition plots
             row_labels = paste0('S', 1:10),
             name = 'Emission')

             type = 'transition',
             row_labels = paste0('S', 1:10),
             column_labels = paste0('S', 1:10),
             name = 'Transition')

Emission and Transition

Emission and Transition


  • The overlap slot contains the fold enrichment of each state in the genomic coordinates.
  • Calculated by first dividing the number of bases in a state and an annotation and the number of bases in an annotation and in the genome.
# overlap enrichment
    type = 'overlap',
    column_labels = c('Genome', 'CpG', 'Exon', 'Gene',
                      'TES', 'TSS', 'TSS2kb')

Overlap Enrichment

Overlap Enrichment


  • segment contains the state assingment
  • For each cell/condition, a GRanges object with the chromosome name, start and end sites in the ranges part of the object and the name of the state in a metadata columns.
# get segments of all cells

# get segments of GM12878
segment(obj, 'GM12878')

# get segments
segment(obj, 'GM12878')
#> $GM12878
#> GRanges object with 748339 ranges and 1 metadata column:
#>            seqnames            ranges strand |       state
#>               <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle> | <character>
#>        [1]    chr10           0-73800      * |          E2
#>        [2]    chr10       73800-74200      * |          E5
#>        [3]    chr10       74200-76200      * |          E4
#>        [4]    chr10       76200-76800      * |          E5
#>        [5]    chr10       76800-79000      * |          E4
#>        ...      ...               ...    ... .         ...
#>   [748335]     chrY 56851800-56855200      * |          E2
#>   [748336]     chrY 56855200-56859200      * |          E1
#>   [748337]     chrY 56859200-56868600      * |          E2
#>   [748338]     chrY 56868600-56874600      * |          E1
#>   [748339]     chrY 56874600-57227400      * |          E2
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 179 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

  • To visualize these segments, we can take advantage of Bioconductor annotation and visualization tools.
  • As an example, we extracted the genomic coordinates of the gene ‘ACAT1’ on chromosome 11 and resized it to 10kb around the transcription start site.
  • We then used Gviz’s AnnotationTrack to render the ranges as tracks grouped by the state column in the GRanges object for each of the cell lines.
# load txdb pacakge

# gene gene coordinates
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene
gen <- genes(txdb, filter = list(gene_id = 38))

# extend genomic region
prom <- promoters(gen, upstream = 10000, downstream = 10000)

# load gviz

# annotation track
tracks <- lapply(segment(obj), function(x) {
    ## subset segments to the promoter region
    seg <- subsetByOverlaps(x, prom)
    ## make annotation track
                    group = seg$state,
                    name = names(x))

# plot the track
Segmentation track

Segmentation track

Other tracks can be added to the plot to make it more informative. Here, we used

  • IdeogramTrack to show a graphic representation of chromosome 11
  • GenomeAxisTrack to show a scale of the exact location on the chromosome
  • GeneRegionTrack to show the exon, intron and transcripts of the target gene

Those can be put together in one plot using plotTracks

# ideogram track
itrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome = 'hg38', chromosome = 11)

# genome axis track
gtrack <- GenomeAxisTrack()

# gene region track
grtrack <- GeneRegionTrack(geneModels,
                           genom = 'hg38',
                           chromosome = 11,
                           name = 'ACAT1')

# put all tracks together
        tracks$GM12878, tracks$H1
    from = min(start(prom)),
    to = max(end(gen)),
    groupAnnotation = 'group'

Full tracks

Full tracks

  • Moreover, we can summarize the segmentation output in different ways to either show how the combination of chromatin markers are arranged or to compare different cells and conditions.
  • One simple summary, is to count the occurrence of states across the genome. get_frequency does that and returns the output in tabular or graphic formats.
# get segment frequency
freq <- get_frequency(segment(obj), tidy = TRUE)
#>   state frequency    cell
#> 1    E1     39265 GM12878
#> 2   E10     44178 GM12878
#> 3    E2    134265 GM12878
#> 4    E3    110055 GM12878
#> 5    E4    130492 GM12878
#> 6    E5    131189 GM12878

The frequency of the states in each cell can also be normalized by the total number of states.

# frequency plots
              plot = TRUE,
              ylab = 'State Fraction')

              normalize = TRUE,
              plot = TRUE,
              ylab = 'Normalized State Fraction')

State frequency

State frequency

Comparing multiple models

Comparing multiple models

  • To choose the model that best fits the data, one can learn multiple models with different parameters.
  • In this example, we will be calling learn_model several times using lapply with the same inputs except the number of states (numstates).
  • The output would be a list of segmentation objects. segmenter contain functions to do basic comparison between the models.
# relearn the models with 3 to 8 states
objs <- lapply(5:15,
    function(x) {
      learn_model(..., numstates = x)

  • compare_models takes a list of segmentation objects and returns a vector with the same length.
  • The default is to compare the correlation between the emission parameters of the states.
  • Only the correlations the states with the maximum correlation with one of the states in the biggest model is returned.
# compare the models max correlation between the states
#>         5         6         7         8         9        10        11        12 
#> 0.9996889 0.9996790 0.9975066 0.9969124 0.9997405 0.9997547 0.9999885 0.9999835 
#>        13        14        15 
#> 0.9999947 0.9999913 1.0000000

  • The other value to compare is the likelihood of the models which can be indicated through the type argument.
# compare the models likelihood
compare_models(objs, type = 'likelihood')
#>          5          6          7          8          9         10         11 
#> -111813816 -108830828 -104771345 -103275667 -101839739 -100997027  -99990825 
#>         12         13         14         15 
#>  -98810943  -98086895  -97544467  -97041000

Setting plot = TRUE returns a plot with data points corresponding to the models in the list.

# compare models plots
               plot = TRUE,
               xlab = 'Model',
               ylab = 'State Correlation')

compare_models(objs, type = 'likelihood',
               plot = TRUE,
               xlab = 'Model',
               ylab = 'Model Likelihood')

Comparing models

Comparing models

#> integer(0)

Final remarks

Final remarks

  • Emissions and transition probabilities show the frequency with which histone marker or their combination occur across the genome (states). The meaning of these states depends on the biological significance of the markers. Some markers associate with particular regions or (e.g. promoters, enhancers, etc) or configurations (e.g. active, repressed, etc).
  • Fold-enrichment can be useful in defining the regions in which certain states occur or how they change in frequency between cells or conditions.
  • The segmentation of the genome on which these probabilities are defined can be used to visualize or integrate this information in other analyses such as over-representation or investigating the regulation of specific regions of interest.


Thanks to my collaborators and the bioconductor team for reviewing the pacakge.


To learn more, check our github repo.